Monday 1 June 2015

Recap lesson

So today's lesson was just a recap on factorising quadratics as well as factorising using the difference of two squares method. If you have any issues with either of these areas, look at my posts below. If you are still having troubles, put up a comment or email or see me.

We also discussed when we would do our algebra test. We came up with Wednesday 10th of June. This gives us this Wednesday's lesson to finish up on factorising, then Friday's lesson to do some revision. We do have a public holiday on Monday, so we won't have class then.
For the test, you will be allowed to bring in a calculator (not one on your phone!), as well as an A5 single sided information sheet which you can include any information you want on. You will have to make this information sheet in your own time but it will be very helpful, so I strongly suggest spending some time on this.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns regarding the test or anything we have covered in this algebra unit you can comment on this post or shoot me an email.

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