Tuesday 28 July 2015

Bearings and Trigonometry

We are now looking at applying our knowledge of trigonometry as well as our knowledge of bearings to solve some more difficult navigation style problems. We will be looking to find either a distance traveled, or a bearing on which someone traveled or needs to travel.
The best way to go into these is to go straight into some worked examples. If you want to zoom in on these examples, simply click the image.

Example 1: Joe travels 7km on a bearing of 270 degrees true, then travels 4km North (bearing of 000 degrees true). If Joe walks in a straight line back to his starting point, find the true bearing he will be walking at.

Example 2: Julie travels on a bearing of S68W for 92km. How far south is she from her starting point?

I have included a worksheet on this topic under the "Worksheets" tab. We spent a short time on this in class on Monday 27th July, and we will spend all lesson on this on Wednesday 29th July.

If you have any questions regarding this topic, feel free to contact me by commenting on this post, or email me or see me.

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